Literary Cognizance is an International Refereed / Peer Reviewed e-Journal of English Language, Literature and Criticism which is published quarterly from Latur, Maharashtra, India. It is prepared by taking into account all the vital necessities of the contemporary teaching fraternity and other emerging writers. It is published in the months of June, September, December and March. Basically, it intends to offer an opportunity and an open platform for the scholars, researchers, students and literati to explore, impart and share the various threads of the English language, Literatures, Criticism and Education and bring them together under the comprehensive venue called Literary Cognizance: An International Refereed / Peer Reviewed e-Journal of English Language, Literature and Criticism. It publishes the original research articles on English Language, Literatures and Criticism.

Our literary venture and endeavour may provide great and meritorious opportunity to express your precious thoughts, views, ideas and keenness about the English Language, Literature, Criticism and Education. The Literary Cognizance: An International Refereed / Peer Reviewed e-Journal of English Language, Literature and Criticism tries to encourage and develop the analytical perception among the scholars and makes them to explore the various threads of the English Language, Literature, Criticism and Education from different perspectives. It encourages the scholars and students to explore the contemporary development and emerging threads in the English Language, Literature and Criticism. Besides, it makes an attempt to form a stream to incorporate the creative writings in the arena of different genres and language and makes available the comprehensive intellectual feast for the readers.

Open Access Policy

It gives us pleasure to share it with you all that the Literary Cognizance: An International Refereed / Peer Reviewed e-Journal of English Language, Literature and Criticism is an open access e-journal. It makes available its content including the research articles, creative piece of writings in the various streams and sub-genres of literature, topical and relevant exploration in the branches of English Language, critical debates, the interviews of the renowned and prominent literary figures, etc. will be available 24 X 7 for all the readers. In fact, it is the conscious attempt made by us to unveil the so called conventional limitations in exploring the quality content and to establish an open access floor for interchanging the thoughts, ideas, analysis and perceptions related to Language, Literature, Criticism and Education.

Peer Review Policy

Literary Cognizance: An International Refereed / Peer Reviewed e-Journal of English Language, Literature and Criticism has a Panel of Referee. All the submitted research articles go through the process of screening in which its originality (with the help of online licensed software), basic standards and technical elements are checked and sent to the said Panel for peer-review. The process of the Double Blind Review is developed instead of the Single Blind Review to veil and protect the identities of the author (s) and referees for impartial reviewing of the contents. If the submitted article achieves requisite standard and it is consented by the Panel then it will be assessed by the external experts. After receiving the positive response from the experts the manuscript will be forwarded for publication and intimated the same to the concerned author. On the other hand, if the Panel suggests certain changes, then the same will be conveyed to the concerned author with stipulated time span for its revision and resubmission. The tentative span for forwarding the acceptance letter to the concerned author would be 10-12 days from the date of submission. In certain circumstances it may extend.


The thoughts, analysis, approaches, outlooks and contents stated in the research articles and every piece of literature published in Literary Cognizance: An International Refereed / Peer Reviewed e-Journal of English Language, Literature and Criticism are those of the concerned author (s). The editors, the editorial board, advisory board and the publisher won’t be responsible for the same.


All the content incorporated on the (Literary Cognizance: An International Refereed/Peer Reviewed e-Journal of English Language, Literature and Criticism) is the Copyright of Literary Cognizance: An International Refereed / Peer Reviewed e-Journal of English Language, Literature and Criticism and the concerned author (s). Hence, no part of the articles and contents uploaded on may be reproduced in any form (digital or print) without taking proper permission. If it occurs then it will be the violation of Copyright Act.