Manuscript Guidelines

  • The first page of the Manuscript must contain the following details of the author (s): Full name, Qualification, Designation, Affiliation, Residential Address, Brief and Appealing Title, Cell Number (s), E-Mail Id (s).
  • The Manuscript must contain the all-inclusive abstract or precise summarisation in around 150 to 200 words.
  • At the bottom of the abstract some (4-5) Key words should be mentioned.
  • The Manuscript must be plagiarism free, unpublished and it should not be even under reviewing / screening process somewhere and must contain the unique and quality content.
  • The Manuscript should be prepared on A4 size paper in only MS Word.
  • The title of the Manuscript should be bold in 14 Times New Roman point size with Caps.
  • The font should be Times New Roman with 12 point size; single spacing with one inch margin at four sides of the paper should be chosen from Page Layout option.
  • The word limit for the article is 2000-4000 words, inclusive of citation/references.
  • Only the recent edition of APA/MLA style should be followed by the author (s) while preparing the Manuscript.
  • The references taken from internet or web sources should be cited properly with all the requisite details in full URL.
  • Needless beautification (borders, symbols, colour fonts, designing, etc.) in the Manuscript should be strictly avoided and the Manuscript should be prepared as per the given guidelines and format only.

Guidelines for Book Reviews:
1. The Book Reviews must contain entire details of the book undertaken for review. It should rightly be included the following details without fail:

  • Title of book
  • Name of the author of book
  • Year of Publication of book
  • Full details of the publisher
  • Price of book
  • ISBN (International Standard Book Number) of book
  • Number of pages of book with Paperback/Hardcover

2. The Details of the Reviewers should be mentioned as given below:

  • The name (s) of the reviewers
  • The brief and comprehensive title
  • The affiliation (s) of the reviewer(s)
  • Full address (es) of the reviewer(s)
  • The E-mail id (s) of the reviewer(s)
  • Contact number (s) of the reviewer(s)

3. The reviewed content of the book should be composed as given below:

  • It should be prepared on A4 size paper in only MS Word
  • The Times New Roam font should be used for the entire content
  • The font size for the title should be 14 point
  • The font size for the content of the body should be 12 point
  • Single spacing with one inch margin at four sides of the paper should be chosen from Page Layout option and justified alignment should be there
  • The word limit is 1500-2000 words
  • The cover page of the book should be sent in only JPG format.

Submission Guidelines:

  • The authors are requested to send their research articles @
  • The MS Word file of the Manuscript should contain the Name of the Author as File Name and it should be sent with well furnished and duly signed scanned copy of the Declaration and Copyright Agreement Form.
  • The mail of submission should be sent with only two attachments (Manuscript and Declaration and Copyright Agreement Form)
  • More than two attachments containing the content related to Manuscript will not be entertained.

Plagiarism Alert:

The Manuscript must be original and unpublished one. It should not be even under reviewing process somewhere. The author should know what does plagiarism mean and he/she should be away from such anti-academic crime. All the submitted Manuscripts go through the process of screening in which its originality (with the help of online plagiarism check software), basic standards and technical elements are checked and sent to the said Panel for peer-review. While checking the originality of the Manuscript, if it is found that the particular Manuscript contains some plagiarized content then immediately the said Manuscript will be rejected. In exceptional cases, if an article is published on and plagiarized content comes into focus after publication then immediately the said article will be removed and concerned author will be informed about it. In such cases, the responsibility will be the author’s (s’) only and Literary Cognizance: An International Refereed / Peer Reviewed e-Journal of English Language, Literature and Criticism (, Editors, Advisory Board Members or Peer Review Panel will not be responsible for the same.

Article Processing Charge: (APC):

There is no any kind of APC or maintenance charge for the submission and publication of Poems, Prose, Book Reviews, Interviews or Creative Writings. The accepted research article has the APC and it will be as given below:

Sr No Content Author Indian Author (INR) Foreign Author (USD)
1 Research Article Academic Faculty (Single Author) ₹ 800 - with Certificate ₹ 1000 $ 40 -With Certificate $ 50
Academic Faculty (More than one author) ₹ 1200 - with Certificate ₹ 1400 $ 45 -With Certificate $ 55
Student / Other (Single Author) ₹ 600 - with Certificate ₹ 800 $ 30 -With Certificate $ 40
Student / Other (More than one author) ₹ 800 - with Certificate ₹ 1000 $ 35 -With Certificate $ 45
2 Poem/ Interview/ Book Review/ Prose/Story/Creative Writing Academic Faculty ₹ 00 (No Charges) - With Certificate ₹ 200 $ 00 (No Charges) -With Certificate $ 15
Student / Other

The above mentioned APC includes cost of Manuscript’s originality check, Manuscript editing, set-up, formatting, safeguarding of database and server, etc. The said APC should be remitted within five working days from the date of an electronic copy of the acceptance sent.

The authors can make use of any one of the options given below to remit the APC:
  • NEFT (National Electronic Fund Transfer) with the help of Net Banking Facility.
  • You can personally deposit it in any nearest branch of State Bank of India (SBI).
The account details are:
Name of the Account Holder Ashwini M. Swami
Name of the Bank State Bank of India
Branch Name Ambajogai Road, Near S. P. Office, Latur, MS, India
Account Number 62403959694
IFSC Code SBIN0015088
Branch Code 015088
District Latur
City Latur
State Maharashtra
Country India
  • The APC can be remitted through PhonePe or Gpay or any UPI service to +91 7588611052
  • After remitting the APC kindly inform the same by mail or WhatsApp Message or Call @ / +917350835111.


All the content incorporated on the (Literary Cognizance: An International Refereed / Peer Reviewed e-Journal of English Language, Literature and Criticism) is the Copyright of Literary Cognizance and the concerned author (s). Hence, no part of the article (s) and content uploaded on the website may be reproduced in any form (digital or print) without taking proper permission. If it happens, then it will be the violation of Copyright Act.


The thoughts, analysis, approaches, outlooks, views, remarks, comments and different opinions articulated in the articles, poems, essays or any piece of literature and other concerned contents appearing in this Literary Cognizance: An International Refereed / Peer Reviewed e-Journal of English Language, Literature and Criticism are purely of the concerned authors and it has nothing to do with the editors, advisory board members and members of the review panel. Moreover, it does not reflect any kind of concern with all of the aforesaid editors and members of the journal. The respective authors submitting their pieces of literature to Literary Cognizance: An International Refereed / Peer Reviewed e-Journal of English Language, Literature and Criticism are entirely responsible for content used in their articles as far as copyright is concerned. Literary Cognizance: An International Refereed / Peer Reviewed e-Journal of English Language, Literature and Criticism won’t be accountable / responsible for any contravention or violation of the laws of copyright regarding the published article or piece of literature.